Life is Possible - 生命教育 手機程式工作坊
Lecture 10 - Showcase
Scoring list
Total 100 + 10 Bonus (Max 100)
- Content (25%)
- Great ideas and topics (10% - 0%)
- Interesting / Interactive with regarding content (15% - 0%)
- Creative / Design (25%)
- Great UI layout / Creative ideas (10% - 0%)
- Great UX design (10% - 0%)
- With proper images / video / gif / icon usgae (5% - 0%)
- Team-work & communications (25%)
- Each person should done at least 2 pages (5%)
- The whole group finished the project as a single website (10% - 0%)
- Great team atmosphere (10% - 0%)
- Tech Skills (15%)
- Using Github and Github desktop / git in the project (5% / 0%)
- Using Vercel to deploy the project (5% / 0%)
- Using all javascript / html / CSS in the project (5% / 0%)
- Presentations (10%)
- All teammate present the regarding pages (5%)
- Great presentations performances (5% - 0%)
- Bonus (10% Bonus, Max 10%)
- Using tech that did not cover in the lecture (e.g AOC, animate.css, sweet alert2 …) (0 - 10 %)
- Adapt other framework in the project (0 - 10 %)
Various type of Coding related languages
💻 Software Engineers
- Java / C# / Rust / Kotlin
- Typescript / JavaScript <- Here
🔌 DevOps related
- Python
- JavaScript / Typescript
📑 Data / AI
- Python
- R
- Excel
🛡 Security
- Linux operactions
- PHP / JS / Python …
- More audit tools …
Computer related jobs
💻 Software Engineers
- Mobile Apps developers <- Here
- Frontend developers <- Here
- Backend developers
🔌 DevOps
- DevOps Engineer
- Cloud Engineer
- Architecture Engineer
📑 Data / AI
- Deep learning Engineer
- Machine learning Engineer
- Data researchers
🛡 Security
- Information Security Engineer
- White hacker
- Risk Manager
Frontend / Mobile Apps developers? and more…